Bees of the kingdom

Worker Bees That Build & Advance The Kingdom of God

I decided to make half-bee and half-human, to bring my symbolism style to art. As followers of God, we have to be half-human and half-bee. bees go into the FEILD and GET the job done. I'm attracted to bees and honey, they're symbolism and representation: how bees operate is very similar to how the kingdom of Heaven works in the spirit, if 

you see the wisdom and knowledge behind it. how worker bees build and advance their homes and honeycombs into larger and larger HONEYCOMBS: that's how (WE) the chosen people of God should be in the body of Christ. Everyone has assignments and purposes, attend to it, like how theirs variety of bees, god created. those bees and worker bees 

play a part in expanding the compounds of their home; we were chosen by God from birth and the beginning of time to expand and advance the will of God and his kingdom, its kingdom business to go and collect souls as like pollen and nectar. in the bible: Honey is often associated with abundance, blessings, prosperity, purity, sweetness, 

pleasure, truth, and knowledge even jesus himself. For example, in (Exodus 3:17,) God promises the Israelites a land "flowing with milk and honey, which is the promised land. like In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus' disciples give him a (honeycomb) to eat after the Resurrection. even in (Proverbs 24:13:) IT SAYS, "Eat honey, my son, for it is good; honey 

from the comb is sweet to your taste" so bees and honey represent and symbolize great things in the bible. after Samson killed a lion with his bare hands: empowered by the lord's spirit and ANOINTING, when he came back to the lion's CARCASE, he found a swarm of bees and honey in the carcase, and he ate from it, in (Judges 14:5–9). in (Revelation 5:11) 

it says that the living creatures, elders and thousands upon thousands of angels surround god and worship him. same with how different sets of bees swarm their queen bee and the nest. I even had dreams of honey and honeycomb that God has shown me.