Stars in The Kingdom

Purity, Blamelessness and Innocence Are Semblances to Stars in Jesus Kingdom

This Majestic Jew Angel of God protects God's chosen special jewels here on Earth from harm and danger on a high level; we are like diamonds and stars in the night-sky, our LIGHT shines bright, (Philippians 2:14-15,) The Lord knows and calls each star by name. (Psalms 147:4) God highly values his special chosen people, (1 peter 2:9;) he created us 

with beautiful hearts, souls and minds to reach the next person. our hearts and souls are so beautiful insomuch we shine like diamonds and stars on earth close to the ground. A-lot of people can't handle the jewels of God, we come in many different gemstones.our beauty, hearts and souls also appear like the (beauty of this Garden in 

the spirit on the picture.) The Angel of God is dressed, in a land flowing with Milk & Honey, in white to symbolize purity and innocence, ascending and descending from Jacob's ladder. Keep your soul, heart and mind beautiful for Jesus, let your light shine bright. we all are going to sparkle in the land of the lord like sparkles from a crown 

with jewels. (zechariah 9:16) i myself, I'm a bright star, so, i know what i'm talking about, i ain't a hypocrite or liar, i live the way i speak.