Jesus the Bread breaker 

                                                                jesus the bread breaker


People forget around the world that Jesus was the Black prototype that made popular “break bread.” He broke bread amongst his disciples and gave it to them (Luke 22:19), he even has multiple of meanings and symbolism to it. Jesus said he’s the “bread of life,” in (John 6:35). Jesus fed 5,000 people with bread and fish, it represented being full 

spiritually. Bread also represents and symbolizes the word of God; learning how to break bread meaning breaking bread of: knowledge and wisdom to the people and to your brothers and sisters is breaking bread too. Theirs so many meanings to it, it’s beautifully crazy But people really forget about that. jesus also says (he's the true 

bread and manna that came from heaven, in (John 6:33). because before in the time of moses, god had given the israelites while they were in the desert for 40 years, manna for 40 years, in (Exodus 16:35). Jesus is the true bread of life that came down from heaven to satisfy our, (the chosen of god and the people of israel's), hunger. Rap and hood folks 

say all day “if you can’t break bread you fake,” that’s true as fuck and I agree with that 1 million percent, but most of the folks that say all that have no knowledge of what they really talking about. Jesus was the first black person to make that popular to this day, that’s how you know he’s black also, no racist white man is going break bread with 

us, in Mutiple of ways like how jesus did it. the racist white man inflated everything and are against us to this day. they stole America from Indians and enslaved em, so what “breaking bread,” are they doing? The racist White man built a company called IRS taking everyone hard earned money so, you know they aren't breaking no bread, they ARE 

STEALING it from us. Even they’re school systems and curriculums isn’t even breaking bread of True and Truthful knowledge and WISDOM; it’s been the same curriculum stuff for decades.