The Arrow's of God

                                                              The Arrow's of God 

is a deep spiritual, symbolic and prophetic instrument that the lord god carries and percisely shoots and operates in: in (Habakkuk 3:11,) The Lord god's arrow's are described as lightnings that tear and cleave the ATMOSPHERE, which brings me to the first arrow: (The arrow of calamites,) - god can shoot anyone, any place or judgement 

with the arrows of calamities. god can also percisely send these arrows on the enemies that haunt and pursue the people of israel, (Deuteronomy 32:42) the arrows of calamities also hit pharaoh and his army when they pursued god's people, judgement hit them and they drowned in the red sea, (Exodus 15:4) God also uses the arrow of 

calamities in today's time: we see it with natural disasters, torandos, tsunami's, even when he shoots this arrow to destroy wicked and cursed cities that doesn't want anything to do with him. the next arrow is the arrow of famine and pestilences, the famine arrow is scary because it's an arrow of scarity mostly for food but it can be 

other things as well, whatever god chooses to do with the arrow. famine happened many times in the bible, followers of god in those times, most of them surpassed because they had the power of god and favor over their lives, the power of god and favor can really help in times like that. joseph and elisha, the two of my favorites i'll 

point out, they were in famine. joseph was fruitful in famine even though the land was suffering from the arrows of famine and scarity but he helped the starving people get food for themselves and families from all over. same with elisha, elisha was performing miracles in famine, he was rolling in the power of god during famine. somehow poison 

got into the pot him and his prophets were eating from, but elisha prayed in the spirit and the lord healed the food and their was some left over for the people that were starving in famine, (2 Kings 4:38-44) now the (arrow of pestilences,) - is an arrow of sickness and fatal disease, even pandemic disease, i don't even got to say much, we been 

through a pandemic "covid," and we're going to get shot with another pandemic arrow coming straight from god soon, his judgement. the arrow of pestilences can strike a person body-wise and psychologically as well. god can shoot someone with the arrow of pestilences straight to the mind, meaning they can turn reprobate or worse than 

that go into a mental madness, in (Deuteronomy 28:28,) it says that “(god) will strike a person with a mental curse” called “the cusre of madness.” - now (the arrows of prayers) can be arrows that'll help SOMEONE PENETRATE darkness or fear and direct thoughts quickly to God, especially when someone feels weak, vulnerable, or scared. 

(the arrows of fasting and praying) - these arrows can help you shoot and strike the enemy on the duration your on the fast, these arrows are symbolic to praying and standing your ground, because the devil is going to attack during a fast, he did it to jesus, but jesus defended himself and defeated satan with the word of god during the 

fast. how good of a prayer person are you during a fast? fasting and praying is so powerful. (the arrow of deliverance) -joash the king of israel had this bow and arrow and anointing delivering god's people from their enemies, (2 Kings 13:15-17) job had the arrows of the almighty in him, he said “his spirit drinks in their poison.” for what he was 

going through in (job 6:4.) GOD'S chosen are like arrows handcrafted by him and chosen before the foundations of the world to go out and percisely save souls. theirs a plethora of different arrows of god out there, but that's those i touched on, be blessed in jesus.