demonic abductions 

                                                               demonic adbuctions 


First OFF, (the world sees,) THESE “UNIDENTIFIED flying objects,” as “aliens,” from another universe or a completely different planet, GALAXY, and solar systems. but in REALITY, these beings are (demons) in deguise. don't let this world: (nasa, area 51,) fool you. the government is in cahoots with fallen angels and demons. the bible says in (Ephesians 

6:12) (For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.) these demons are “spiritual wickedness in high places,” also. they have tendencies (most of the time), to appear at night to curse, torment and abduct humans. 

demon/aliens work for satan's kingdom to come to the earth physically in these advanced-flying-spacecrafts at astronomical speeds. i heard family stories of them appearing in the day-time, but most of the dark stuff happens in the dead of night. these demon/aliens are sky vampires which come down from the night-sky and inflict and 

administer all manner of things to take away the ADBUCTEd's LIFE force in some grim and spine-chilling way. i heard stories were the demon/aliens would curse the women who they adbucted's womb were she could'nt bring forth children, AND we all know why they'll do something like that, its spiritual. they cursed her womb so, she would't bring 

forth chosen children into this world for the lord god and the kingdom of heaven or maybe, just to steal away her joy of having children 'cause the devil hates happiness. of course demon/aliens would do tons of other things to a person to take away and steal away they're life force, i've heard many stories. that's why as a people we have to stop 

rejecting god and ignoring him because you just never know, god might allow satan to attack you using these types of demons. in other instances, a person might be at the wrong place at the wrong time and they might get abducted and tormented based of them being at the wrong place. when we as a people see supernatural happenings that 

are demonic like this, we have to (call on Jesus or say jesus name), and most of the time they all disappear in a twinkling of an eye. I heard also that these demonic creatures gave off a stench and smell of sulfer and rotten eggs, just touching these creatures will kill you. most of these demon/aliens come from hell and other places, who knows 

how many people who rejected god, got abducted and taken to hell through these spacecrafts. god, can use anywhere or anything to send people to hell, in (Numbers 16:31-35) god opened up the earth to send the rebellious isrealites to hell alive. if god can open up the ground, what makes you think he can't use a demon/alien ufo to send 

anyone to hell. call on jesus anytime you see something out of the ordinary like these demons, trust me they'll flee in jesus name each and every time. as a people we have to really start walking with jesus to be safe and protected from these high-level demons, develop your relationships with god and jesus and do his will for your lives.