when it comes to being a sand-man or a sand-women in the kingdom: you have to be anointed, built and chosen for the job to be successful and be build differently. when you build the castles and kingdom's for god on the sandy floors, sand might get into your eyes and be hard to see and perceive at times, the ocean waters might come in and 

over time shrink your castles or completely wash away your castles that you built up for god by hand, that is why you can't build things on your own strength but off when god shows you to build or don't even listen to folks that try to belittle what you are building for god. a-lot of times you have to become one with water and co-exist with 

sand, and become a supernatural force being the (sand-man or sand-women), in order to build efficiently and percisely even quickly and strongly. defy all odds for god. you have to get down and dirty when building but thats the process that comes with the kingdom of god. in the bible: ezra continued rebuilding the temple of god with 

“Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua the son of Jozadak.” in (ezra 5), god rose them up for the job. in the book of nehemiah: It took Nehemiah 52 days to reinforce the gaps and rebuild the wall. He gathered his people together, he equipped them, and he led them in rebuilding the city walls of Jerusalem. there were even people trying to stop 

them from building, their names were (Sanballat and Tobiah.) nehemiah and his people had to gear up with weapons to protect themselves, they had one hand on building materials and their other hand on a weapon. (Nehemiah 4:17). so, when it comes to building for the kingdom of god, be led of the spirit of god, and protect yourself with 

(legal weapons) when god calls you for the job to build whatever castle or KINGDOM, he tells you to build, be effective and become a sand-man or sand-women. you have to be great and gifted with your hands to build legendary SANDCASTLES for god, have wisdom, and knowledge, relationship with god and have discernment to build correctly. it's all 

about what god wants not you!