The Whales have a Voice  



My Spirit is being pulled to the shores for a storyline, is their a invisible fishing hook, captains committing crimes to salvage Essential matrices from fellow whales catching the surface currents. 

Currently I’m transported to East Alaska, watching the cold ocean carry a group of humpback whales in my full faux coat,  in a ocean where ships and boats rarely catch a dose of the waters climate.  

But I wanted to tell you this story under The H20, where if a soul splashes into it, it’ll make you scream out woah.  

Wait let me put my poetic pen down and this partially damp paper, I pray this fire keeps me warm, it’s literally almost blanket dark. Why did the Lord lead me here, I have no survival skills, the experience isn’t really around my waist…  

Hey I guess sometimes you have to trust the Lord on faith. In the stillness of fire in front of me my eyes lock onto the moon silhouetting and cascading over the water like if it was a mirror that supernaturally moves. The sight of a whale colony that had my attention for awhile now that I wrote on this wet piece of paper, it tied my eye balls up.  

The Lords spirit puts me to sleep along the flames. In my dream I start to swim along side The whales in the ocean, and they tell me in their voices their own heartbreak, compelling story. They’re voices boom the ocean around them.  

“I love my home, I love how open and freely our home is. I love beings of human but they treat us like the scum of dead weed. They capture and kill us, they harpoon us, while we freely try to live our lives that the creator blessed us to have. They take us from our a habitat and make us into products, The whaling industry used us for meat and blubber, for oils, oil lamps and whalebone. pharmaceutical companies and health supplements use us too. All the soaps that you use to make yourself smell good…  

the whaling industry is all through your DNA, the island of Cape Verde used to sail ships to kill us off and that’s in your DNA. Delinquent agents on the sea, I understand beings of human need soap like a Constant shower of fragrances. But we also are God’s creation, they killed off most of my family now it’s just two of us, if you shift your eyes around. Human beings are so greedy for the green, i know theirs a million of other ways to make money but they kill us and then they trap us in a imposter sea world, they started all of this in the 11th century. I love My home but I rather be in Heaven with my creator, I wish to swim away from all of this hatred.”



The Mega Mind Behind me  



In the depths, in the deepest part of my glow where I walk alone, the Mega Mind stands behind me.  

When I walk in error, correct my steps and my foot from inching left, when the spiritual storms come to my doorstep gathering,  

know it will cease cause the Mega Mind appears behind me, whispering for quietness and stability, peace in the vicinities. His voice runs on an on and on the switch flicks up and turns on into eternity.  

When trial and tribulations start up, and peoples mouth runs off like the chain on broken bikes against me, know the Mega Mind is there behind me ready, sending a bundle of cursers and stingers piercing your body. No bodyguard can back you up. 

The Mega Mind is tired and fed up with slithering vipers leaving paths to their destructive ways, hyena laughter with blood on their fangs, contorted into reprobate minds speaking down on me, treating me like I’m rubbish, they keep going on with their hideous games.  

Forgetting the very fact I’m Simba in this deserted landscape of heartless ghouls, The one who stands behind is not me, I don’t have a Mega Mind or am I speaking in any extrospection. The Alpha and Omega is close behind me.  

When thousands of hidden and open eyes with stories stare they see a weakling and fragile guy, looking to be if it’s possible the wind could blow him into the heavens, that even the stars and planets couldn’t hold him down.  

The most deadliest Lion, a infinite apparatus and number, his thoughts are higher than any human, even the weakling Mufusa. The Mega Mind behind me would simply melt you into liquids, if you decided to make a wrong move by laying a finger on me. I am never alone. Never forget that.

Night Hours  

Prophetic Poem 


A night owl consumed by the night hours, windows wide opened can you fix your eyes and see what I see, they flying big birds, pterodactyls and it’s in the shadows bigger than the satellites, flying towards city hall. You grab the tissues it’s falling off your skin and bones appearance nearly skeleton, wipe your noses but yet you don’t feel the sensations, you numb to the impressions like what they doing under your noses. But hold on let me take you on this prophetic journey, they riding you around in a Gurney, incoming deadly journey, while you sit, lay back and sleep or maybe scream they riding around in helicopters in the dead of night dropping the next stage of coronavirus in a accidental explosion of is it ? helicopter explosion I’m the only soul that marvels at this revelation being exposed watching green gas escape into the night sky airborne creating a toxic cloud than descending on the towns, barriers gone. While everyone is unaware, watching the news headlines come and scare saying “coronavirus zombie like symptoms.” Screams of terror rock the soul of victims, in the city making everyone more crazed involuntary madness. punishment from God that you lost souls don’t want to adapt to his will so if you don’t listen your going to drown in destruction.  

God is not playing, it’s never going to end so stop looking for it,, more punishments on the way, this isn’t a joke, y’all sat there for years rejecting God, didn’t wanna follow him or anything,, a lot of you souls are going to see hell. Get your lives right with Jesus

Hollow Earth 



Volcanic ash, Dark winds that never cease to pass, sulfur in every steam of gas. Some that go to the five dinosaurs noses as it twitches to the fumes like druggies with the syringe and spoon. playing tricks removing oxygen, four pass away flying away in the oxygen, one is left behind becoming immune to the cloudy toxins.  

He can’t stand death and the putrid so he runs away from the colony, taking heed to his God given gift, lone wolf as he drifts through the wilderness of insidious creatures of behemoths. Tornadoes destroying his past, all the behemoths in his pasture can’t stand or really last. He allows God to destroy his past, being led through the tall grass of uncertainty and unpredictability not expecting a hail of storms or pretty sunny shine field of victory. No walking coordination he depends on God for his equilibrium and hand eye coordination.   

He sudden becomes halt, stops at the edge, rocks and pebbles tumble off into the abyss or void, though he has God, from his head to his dinosaur feet He is favored and blessed. That void in the middle of the earth is really hollow, something at the moment he can’t really process, if bottles existed in that time he’ll spew the pain into it and throw it off the edge and become wallow, a blessing to see tomorrow.

My Heart Yearns for Love 


My Heart yearns for Love like a ride on the swings, looking into the eyes of the sky daydreaming for love maritally.  

My heart yearns for Love like a walk on the beach when really it’s a breathtaking walk onto the starry roads of the night, the stars is my lightbulb to my destiny, will our love become immortality?  

My heart yearns for love in the coldest of winter nights and the harshest summertime light, the dead gross grass needs a Bucket full of light, cloudy and murky water and where in life do I look for reinforced Might? Life that became mortality  

Idiosyncratic is that of what I love to express, expressing to the express, I’m polar, looking out the train window expressionless loneliness got my expression, emotions, my mind is captive by Anxiety Pirates the ones that have the ocean captivated by the dark luminescent presences and you know I had to take ownership back from hideous captive captain 

I don’t know the coordinates or subordinates I’m ordained to survive ordeals and no it’s not magic I’m blessed by oracles from God, I suffer no fatal subtraction. I slide open the casket and I take away the talents from the captors temple screaming “ GET OVER HERE. “ it’s over from here.  I preform my fatality and have his spirit floating away like the Flying Dutchman punished for centuries, a external spirit world enemy, him and his stinky sock bleeding nasty aura and energy.  

But the only thing I want to experience is love I don’t want to go nonchalantly about, and go coherently about swimmers and floaters above and below meaning I want to explore both sides of the spectrum dying to know, what a huge over hump, My heart Yearns for Love, that’s all I want you to Know.

A Butter Fly In a Poisonous Pond  



This Butter fly got a Lions Heart and the Face of killers Hornet, the presence Immaculate the wings survived through hail storms & stones, Swimming in acid water and coming out endlessly & abnormally strong. The lava penetrated & scorching its legs & Arms, the lava birth out a new creature with new ambition & bond, bonding to the new surroundings adapting to the longevity of the lords spirit, that’s the only time where it comes alive watch out for flying arrows that cause you harm. This butter fly is so strong it can withstand a butter fly knife picture a flower with four blades ready to strike gone but you just fly gracefully with swiftness of thought moving like Neo its in the intrepid nature of not being caught.. keep flying little creature through the Godliness of thought, that thought formed a city and that city formed a block but unblock that block and keep pushing forward through Nocturnal nightmares and not haves they will only climb your ladder and Gash your wing off in a quick flash. Even in the tribulation find a place to really rest, maybe on a Lilly pad or on a Pallet drawing on a board mixing on palette for God let his motions Float you away in Thought, be aware you got wings don’t be afraid to come back you not on the pond to stay but Raise up in updates the only downside you have is being eaten by frogs.